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Senior Care News

Finding Holistic Health Approaches for Your Senior

Home Care in Clarksville MD
Home Care in Clarksville MD

When most people speak about being healthy, they mean being free of bodily signs of sickness. But when it comes to holistic health and well-being, it’s about much more than merely being physically active. It’s also about having a well-rounded lifestyle – the ideal balance of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

When our loved ones reach their golden years, they have real concerns about how they will change physically, mentally, and socially and how their surroundings and behavior will change. While some seniors may adapt readily to these changes, others may have emotional and/or psychological issues. Fortunately, there are a variety of holistic techniques for seniors to discover happiness while also improving their entire health and well-being.

Holistic care is a holistic approach to comprehensive health and healing that includes both physical and emotional wellbeing. If your senior is aging in place, they may want to find the right home care provider who can help them stick to a routine when it comes to eating or drinking anything. Home care is a wonderful tool for seniors looking to live at home but still, find ways to focus on their healthy lifestyle. Here are some unique ways to find holistic approaches to a healthy lifestyle.

Pet Ownership for Seniors

Any pet owner will tell you about their connection and friendship with their pets. Because pets love unconditionally and offer their owners a sense of emotional wellbeing, having one produces sentiments of love and security. According to studies, individuals who own dogs are frequently happier and healthier than those who do not.

Aside from improved mood and self-esteem, pet owners are more physically active and less lonely. Pet ownership provides several health advantages, including lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as enhanced heart health. Pet ownership also increases oxytocin (the love hormone), which helps reduce stress and blood pressure. These health advantages may significantly impact seniors’ quality of life.

Get Massages Regularly

Massage offers several health and stress-relieving advantages, which may be especially beneficial for elders. Many elderly persons have been demonstrated to benefit from deep tissue massage by raising white blood cell levels. However, it may not be suitable for certain seniors who have sensitive muscles and suffer from severe discomfort. Even moderate massage may help to relax tight muscles and regulate high blood pressure. A therapeutic massage also lowers cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and produces endorphins, which may boost happiness and confidence. A mild hand massage may improve hand, wrist, and finger mobility and range of motion in elders suffering from arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or other chronic hand pain difficulties.

Focus on Healthy Relationships with Others

Physical and emotional health may benefit from maintaining and developing fulfilling connections in retirement. Healthy relationships not only provide seniors with a feeling of security and company but also a sense of being loved and desired. Strong social interaction is essential to good health, like sufficient sleep and a balanced diet. In addition to enhancing heart function and decreasing morbidity, seniors who maintain strong social ties have dramatically reduced stress levels. Because of this, it’s never too late to locate a friend to help with the stresses of old age and the resulting isolation. Relationships are a strong approach to enhancing the quality of life for seniors interested in holistic health alternatives.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering home care in Clarksville, MD, please contact the caring staff at Care At Home today. 301-970-9706

Ann Smith RN

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